Here at Hûw Lloyd-Williams Guitar Tuition, we understand that sometimes, life gets in the way and you can’t always make it to where you need to be.

To be as fair as possible to all students, a minimum of 24 hours is required to cancel a pre-booked lesson. In doing so, a totally free of charge makeup session can be arranged.

Cancelling a lesson less than 24 hours before a lesson will forfeit that lesson.

Exceptions include sudden illness, or emergency. In this case, the lesson will be rearranged for as early as is convenient. Or can be rolled over to the following week.

All make up sessions are only arrangeable within a month of cancelling.

In the event a lesson is cancelled on our end, due to unforeseen circumstances, you will be notified as soon as possible and a make-up session will be arranged as soon as is convenient.

Holiday absences you will be notified of at least a week before (or your last lesson before the holiday absences).

All pre-paid lessons are non-refundable.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.